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Listening skill is one of the essential receptive skills that has long been studied in language learning. The fundamental framework regarding listening process and listening instruction has emerged in many aspects. Although listening instruction was tremendously influenced by the materials emphasizing written language in the past, the focus has shifted onto more communicative approach since the occurrence of Communicative Language Teaching methodology. This article describes the most common cognitive frameworks about the process of listening, such as top-down and bottom-up, the three-phase listening model and five stages of listening process. Moreover, since the role of metacognitive strategy training has been recently emphasized in language learning, the application of metacognitive listening strategies in listening instruction are investigated. The potential uses of the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) based on the research study are examined to see how second language listeners’ metacognitive awareness and perceived uses of strategies during listening tasks enhance the students’ listening competences both inside and outside the classroom.
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