A Comparison of Buddhist Compassionate and Transformational Leadership in Relations with Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Role of Trust in The Leader


  • Keemaporn Leesmidt Graduate student, Doctoral Dissertation in Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University
  • Assistant Professor Prapimpa Jarunratanakul, Ph.D. Assistant Professor at Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University


Buddhist compassionate leadership, transformational leadership, trust in leader, organizational commitment


Buddhist compassionate and transformational leadership are two models of leadership that have some similarities but are also distinct and may predict organizational outcomes through trust in the leader differently. The current study aimed to investigate and compare how Buddhist compassionate and transformational leadership would be related to organizational commitment through trust in the leader. Participants were 229 financial employees in Thailand. The four paper measurements, including Buddhist compassionate leadership, transformational leadership, trust in the leader, and commitment, were administered as a research instrument. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s Correlational and Path Analysis. Results indicated that Buddhist compassionate and transformational leadership were correlated positively with trust in the leader (r = .75, .22, respectively) and organizational commitment (r = .25, .17, respectively) at .01 level of significance. The mediational analysis showed that trust in the leader exerted a partial positive mediating effect for both leadership models, with a stronger indirect effect (β = .253) for the Buddhist compassionate leadership model than for the transformational leadership model (β = .056).


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How to Cite

Leesmidt, K., & Jarunratanakul, P. (2022). A Comparison of Buddhist Compassionate and Transformational Leadership in Relations with Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Role of Trust in The Leader. The Periodical of Behavioral Science, 28(2), 19–38. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/BSRI/article/view/253264