Development of Learning Management Plan by Using the Open Approach, Mathematics Learning Substance, on Addition and Subtraction Amount of Solution not More than 10 for Grade 1 Students

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Jinvara Pimsang
Patcharin Sata


The objectives of this research were to develop the action plan by using the Open Approach, to include the efficiency as specified Criterion 80/80, and study the effectiveness index of the action plan by the Open Approach, Mathematics Learning Substance on Addition and Subtractions the Solution not more than 10 for Grade 1 Students. The target group included 25 Grade 1 Students, Ku Kam Pittayasan School, selected by purposing sampling. The instruments using for data collection were: the action plan by using the Open Approach, and the Learning action plan.  Data were analyzed by using computer program. The statistic using for data analysis included the percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent samples t-test. The research findings found that: For action plan by using the Open Approach, Mathematics Learning Subsisted Lesson on Division Mathematics Learning Substance on Addition and Subtraction the Solution not more than 10, its efficiency was 83.07/82.00 as the specified criterion. For effectiveness index of action plan by using the Open Approach, Mathematics Learning Achievement on Addition and Subtractions the Solution not more than 10, was 0.7128, showed that the students had higher level of learning for 71.28 %. For posttest learning achievement after studying with action plan by using the Open Approach, Mathematics Learning Substance on Addition and Subtraction the Solution not more than 10, their average score of posttest was significantly higher than the pretest at .01 level.

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How to Cite
Pimsang, J., & Sata, P. (2022). Development of Learning Management Plan by Using the Open Approach, Mathematics Learning Substance, on Addition and Subtraction Amount of Solution not More than 10 for Grade 1 Students. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(6), 16–30. retrieved from
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