Development of Competency-based Learning Management Model on Saving and Investing According to Principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Balanced Life by 5Es Instructional Model in the Social Studies for Students in Grade 8

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Kanyakorn Srihapol


The objectives of research were; (1) to study the basic information, main components and the necessity of the competency-based learning management model on saving and investing according to principles of sufficiency economy Philosophy for balanced life by 5Es instructional model in the social studies for students in Grade 8. (2) To study the effectiveness of the competency-based learning management model on saving and investing according to principles of sufficiency economy Philosophy for balanced life by 5Es instructional model in the social studies for students in Grade 8. (3) To expand the use effect and evaluate the use a model of competency-based learning management model on saving and investing according to principles of sufficiency economy Philosophy for balanced life by 5Es instructional model in the social studies for students in Grade 8. Students who use the One Group Pretest – Posttest Design. The sample group consisted of 27. Research instruments were lesson plan, and test, questionnaire form.  The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (independent), and content analysis. The results found that:1) Competency-based learning management model are 5 steps: Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation. 2) The students' learning outcomes were significantly higher than before at the .05 level, and satisfaction at the highest level. 3) The result from the expansion of the use and evaluation found that the students' learning outcomes after learning were higher than before learning at the statistical significance level of .05 and were satisfied at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Srihapol, K. (2022). Development of Competency-based Learning Management Model on Saving and Investing According to Principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Balanced Life by 5Es Instructional Model in the Social Studies for Students in Grade 8. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(6), 51–71. Retrieved from
Research Article


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