The Evaluation of White School Project for Drug and Temptation Free at Santi Wittayasan School

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Jakrapong Thalangkan


This project objectives was to 1) evaluate the White School Project for drug and temptation free at Santi Wittayasan School, 2) to study the results of the activities under the white school for drug and temptation free at Santi Wittayasan School, 3) to study the opinions of students towards the implementation of the white school for drug and temptation free at Santi Wittayasan School, and 4) to study the satisfaction of student parents and students towards the implementation of the white school for drug and temptation free at Santi Wittayasan School. The samples were school administrators, teachers, basic education school committees, students, and student parents for 337 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The researcher analyzed the data by basic statistics, frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. As the results found that: 1) The Assessment result of White School project at Santi Wittaya School, according to the opinions of administrators, teachers and basic education school committees overall, was at a high level in all aspects by transportability had the highest, followed by product, context, input, impact, sustainability, effectiveness and process, respectively. 2) The evaluation results of activities under the White School Project for drug and temptation free at Santi Wittayasan School, were at the highest level, 3) The students had their opinions towards the implementation of the White School Project for drug and temptation free at Santi Wittayasan School, were the value and benefits received from the project overall at the highest level, and 4) The students and parents’ satisfaction with the implementation of the White School Project for drug and temptation free at Santi Wittayasan School overall, was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Thalangkan, J. (2022). The Evaluation of White School Project for Drug and Temptation Free at Santi Wittayasan School. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(5), 15–27. Retrieved from
Research Article


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