Research and Development of Management Model for Participatory Online Learning and Teaching Aspect During the Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic at Petpittayakom School, Phetchabun Province

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Wises Pinpithak


The research and development of management model for participatory online learning and teaching aspect during the Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic in Petpittayakom school Phetchabun Province aimed to 1) study elements and steps of management model 2) develop management model for online learning and teaching aspect during the Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic 3) evaluate management model for online learning and teaching aspect during the pandemic 4) lesson learned after implemented the model during the pandemic. The research divided into 6 steps such as analyzed and synthesis elements of administration model (R1), model development (D1), implemented the model (R2), improved the model (D2), implemented complete the model which improving and evaluated already in 2021 academic year (R3) and lesson learned after implementation the model during the pandemic and discriminate knowledge (D3). The samples from teacher, students and students’ parent academic year 2021 which chosen by random sampling. The instruments were research analysis, and questionnaire forms. The data was analyzed in terms of percentages, mean and standard deviation and content analysis. The data results showed that 1) The management model consisted of 6 elements such as operational planning, personnel development, learning and teaching online, supervision, monitoring, performance appraisal and participation. 2) The report of development model after implementation and improving in first semester of academic year 2021 found the results of online learning and teaching, supervision, monitoring, performance appraisal. 3) The results of assessment model on accuracy, benefits, possibility and suitability found all of them had highest level, the satisfaction of teachers, students had high and highest level. 4) The lesson learned after implemented the model by after action review (AAR) found problems for development the model were the method of teaching and learning the determination, the online teaching report, the supervision and the operations. Causes of problems were the irregular sequence of operations, the teaching knowledge about learning and teaching online, the accessing learning and teaching online of supervisory, and improvement methods were arranging step for working, training and developing personnel about learning and teaching online application using, supervision and monitoring.

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How to Cite
Pinpithak, W. (2022). Research and Development of Management Model for Participatory Online Learning and Teaching Aspect During the Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic at Petpittayakom School, Phetchabun Province. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(5), 28–43. Retrieved from
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