The Assessment of the Student Potential Development Project in Technology Aspect at Srithepprachasan School

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Suphachok Khengkaew


The research objectives are 1) to evaluate the context and the input of the student potential development project, 2) to evaluate the procedure of the student potential development project in technology aspect, 3) to criticize the project results after project operation, 4) to evaluate the product, impact, effectiveness, sustainability, and transportability aspects, 5) to evaluate benefits of the student potential development project, and 6) to evaluate the satisfactions toward the student potential development project. This project is operated through 650 participants who are school director, teacher, the committee of basic educational school, students, and parents. The tools for data collection consist of six questionnaires and analyze through basic statistics which are mode, mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The results show that the overview of project evaluation is identified at high level; moreover, the level in each part of the student potential development project are criticized and provided the comment following; 1) the context and the input evaluation is determined at high level and highest level, 2) the level of the student potential development project in technology aspect is at high level, 3) the level of project operation is at high level, 4) the total levels of the product, impact, effectiveness, sustainability, and transportability aspects are at high levels, 5) the level of benefits of this project is at high level, and 6) the level of the satisfactions toward the student potential development project is at high level.

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How to Cite
Khengkaew, S. (2022). The Assessment of the Student Potential Development Project in Technology Aspect at Srithepprachasan School. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(5), 44–54. Retrieved from
Research Article


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