Blended Learning Approach: Convergence between Technology and Pedagogy

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Wichai Janjamroon


A blended learning approach is a learning process that convergences between variety technology and pedagogy, and use technology as a component of instruction in learning activities to encourage learners to learn extensively and efficiently according to their potential. Taking into account the proportion of technology and pedagogy that are consistent with the content. Nowadays, the rapid changes in technological innovation result in more learning innovations. Opportunities for learning can occur anywhere, anytime. It is a learning that teachers can create learning experiences for students both through teaching and learning in the classroom that teachers present various learning techniques. The adoption of Blended Learning has been growing actively in higher education across the world, becoming the new traditional model, or the new normality in the teaching-learning process, optimizing the use of face-to-face and online classroom environments.

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How to Cite
Janjamroon, W. (2022). Blended Learning Approach: Convergence between Technology and Pedagogy. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(5), 71–80. Retrieved from
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