The Development of the New Public Management Model (NPM) in Order to Increase the Capability of Being a Professional Teacher with Determination to Improve the Students of Tessaban 5 School (Kradatthaianucroc)

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Pennapa Seehacod


The purpose of this research was for to develop the new public management model (NPM) in order to increase the capability of being a professional teacher with determination to improve the students of Tessaban 5 School (Kradatthaianucroc). The target group consisted of 32 teachers and 175 students. The research tools were the test, questionnaire, assessment, and lesson learned form. The data analysis was percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test (dependent sample), and content analysis. The results of the research showed as follows: 1) According to the basic information and the need conditions, the development depended on the cooperation of all sectors. The professional management should be promoted with the concepts of the most economy, worth and efficiency. The professional skills should be quickly promoted to the students so that they could earn income. 2) The new public management model (NPM) in order to increase the capability of being a professional teacher with determination to improve the students used the “EPPPE Model” consisting of the creation of excellence, the development of being a professional teacher, the cooperation, the active learning and the learning expansion. 3) The test of the training found that the pre and the post results were at the averages of 7.63 and 17.28 respectively and the comparison of the points was different with statistical significance of .01. 4) The results of estimation and development were as follows. (1) The understanding of the new public management was at a high level. (2) The estimation of the learning management on the new public management was at a high level. (3)  The estimation of the capability of being a professional teacher was at a high level. (4) The estimation of the students’ learning skills was at a high level. (5) The estimation of the opinions on the learning management provided by the teachers was at a high level. 6) The lesson learned visualizing of the model showed that all sectors had an opportunity to cooperate together, the teachers and the students should search for knowledge, the learning management should be focused on the skills of thinking process and of mind map learning.

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How to Cite
Seehacod, P. (2022). The Development of the New Public Management Model (NPM) in Order to Increase the Capability of Being a Professional Teacher with Determination to Improve the Students of Tessaban 5 School (Kradatthaianucroc). Journal of Intellect Education, 1(1), 17–28. Retrieved from
Research Article


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