Organizational Culture Development Strategies for Promoting Professional Learning Community

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Thira Bhawangkanantha
Sukit Phosirikul
Worawit Kuljirakarn
Surapon Tabtimhin
Thinnakorn Paknam


The research objectives were to: 1) study the conceptual framework of organizational culture development for promoting professional learning community; 2) study strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and define the organizational culture development strategies for promoting professional learning community, and 3) assess suitability and possibility for the organizational culture development strategies for promoting professional learning community. The researcher applied the multiphase mixed method research through quantitative and qualitative data collection. The target group is Sapungwittayakom School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization. The research instruments were a focus group discussion, SWOT and TOWS Matrix analysis, suitability, and possibility assessment. The quantitative data were analyzed by percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The results were as follows: 1. The conceptual framework of organizational culture development for promoting professional learning community consisted of individual cultures, according to 1) Self-development and 2) Open thinking, systematic thinking and creativity; Group cultures comprised of 1) Creating a vision of collaborative learning and 2) Sharing an opinion and learning as a teamwork; and school cultures that were 1) Continuous learning exchange and focusing on teacher center; 2) Creative innovation and new knowledge in learning management and 3) Coding lessons from experiences and developing learning innovations. 2. The corporate culture development strategies for promoting professional learning community of Sapungwittayakom School consisted of 3 strategies of attributes: 1) Increasing the teacher potential for self-development and educational personnel, according to 2 secondary strategies and 5 procedures; 2) Strengthening collaborative learning as learning subject groups and educational personnel, including 2 secondary strategies and 6 procedures and 3) Aiming to be a sustainable learning community at school level, comprising 3 secondary strategies and 7 procedures. 3. The results of the suitability and possibility assessment of the corporate culture development strategies for promoting professional learning community were at the highest level as considering the strategies detail were at the high to the highest level.

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How to Cite
Bhawangkanantha, T., Phosirikul, S., Kuljirakarn, W., Tabtimhin, S., & Paknam, T. (2022). Organizational Culture Development Strategies for Promoting Professional Learning Community. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(1), 29–42. Retrieved from
Research Article


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