Life-Long Education Management for Professional Excellence According to School–Based Management for Local Development

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Wiraporn Songsang
Chutipa Buddeevong
Tewarit Polyiam
Ubon Wannapat
Pradu Namloa


The research objectives were to analyze basic data, needs assessment, and present life long education management model for professional excellence according to School–Based Management for Local Development (SBMLD).  Study sample comprised 396 people including school administrators and teachers in Khon Kaen Provincial Administrative Organization. Research tools were questionnaire and focus group discussion guideline. Data analysis employed the techniques of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired-sample t-test, Modified Priority Needs Index, and content analysis.

          The research findings are 1) the means of the practice of life long education management for professional excellence in reality and as expected are different at .01 statistical significance in all dimensions -- indicating the needs for development in all dimensions; 2) the model covers 3 principal factors or parts as Part 1 -- Foundation comprising 1) model objectives, 2) management principle according to SBMLD, and 3) terms of model implementation; Part 2 -- Administrative System Structure comprising 1) management factors, 2 management scope, 3 management process, 4) management monitoring rules, and 5) management output quality; Part 3 -- Operation Procedure comprising 1) operation preparation, 2) operation, 3) evaluation, and 4) summary and performance report. The model covers all management support organizations including 1) Interior Ministry comprising Department of Local Administration and Local Education Offices, 2) local government organizations, 3) school network, 4) basic education commission, and 5) stakeholders and communities.

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How to Cite
Songsang, W., Buddeevong, C., Polyiam, T., Wannapat, U., & Namloa, P. (2022). Life-Long Education Management for Professional Excellence According to School–Based Management for Local Development. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(1), 43–54. Retrieved from
Research Article


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