Community Participation to Promote Life and Modern Agriculture Career Skills in Schools

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Chutipa Buddeevong
Wiraporn Songsang
Tewarit Polyiam
Ubon Wannapat
Pradu Namloa


The research objectives were to explore the present, desirable condition, and needs of community participation to promote life and modern agriculture career skills of schools under Office of the Basic Education Commission. The quantitative sample group consisted of 1,575 respondents answering questionnaire. The quantitative research employed Modified Priority Needs Index (PNImodified) technique, descriptive statistics. The research findings are as following.  The present condition as a whole has the operation at medium level and the desirable condition as a whole at high level. The needs exist in all dimensions of community participation to promote life and modern agriculture career skills.

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How to Cite
Buddeevong, C., Songsang, W., Polyiam, T., Wannapat, U., & Namloa, P. (2022). Community Participation to Promote Life and Modern Agriculture Career Skills in Schools. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(3), 1–11. Retrieved from
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