Development of Creating Professional Learning Community Model for Strengthening the Active Learning Management Competency of Teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School

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Karnsini Wisetsombat


The research objectives were to: (1) study the basic data and the need of creating the professional learning community model for strengthening the active learning management competency of teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School; (2) create and develop in creating the professional learning community model for strengthening the active learning management competency of the teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School; (3) trial in creating the professional learning community model for strengthening the active learning management competency of the teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School and (4) evaluate and improve in creating the professional learning community model for strengthening the active learning management competency of the teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School. The researcher applied Research and Development, divided in 4 procedures as follows; Research (R1), Development (D1), Research (R2), and Development (D2). The qualitative data were analyzed by analysis, documentary synthesis and content analysis by describing. The quantitative data were analyzed by content, frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results were: (1) The fundamental data analysis and demand studies as a basic for development of creating the professional learning community model for strengthening the active learning management competency of the teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School, suitable evaluated by 5 experts. (2) Drafting the professional learning community model for strengthening the active learning management competency of the teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School, was investigated reasonability through the theory, possibility, and consistency in drafting of creating the professional learning community model for strengthening the active learning of the teachers, consist of 5 procedures; Share vision; Collaborative Learning; Instruction; Peer Coaching and Reflect. (3) Adopting the creating the professional learning community model for strengthening the active learning management competency of the teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School as fieldwork trial. The one group sample was from 24 teachers. (4) The result of creating the professional learning community model for strengthening the active learning management competency of the teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School found that the model was suitable, possible as the highest.

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How to Cite
Wisetsombat, K. (2022). Development of Creating Professional Learning Community Model for Strengthening the Active Learning Management Competency of Teachers in Nongsangwittayayon School. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(3), 12–24. Retrieved from
Research Article


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