Development of occupational project-based learning for developing academic achievement and career skills for Grade 12 students

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Patchanee Mahapho


The purposes of this research were as follows: (1) to develop and search for efficiency on occupational project-based learning activities for promoting the knowledge and career skills efficiently as 80/80, (2) to compare students’ learning achievement on pre and post learning with occupational project-based learning activities on small and medium enterprises (SMEs), (3) to study students’ career skills with occupational project-based learning activities on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and (4) to study student satisfaction on occupational project-based learning activities on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by using Research & Development (R&D). The sample was 44 Grade 6/1 students at Nongrua Wittaya School in semester 2, 2018 as Cluster Random Sampling. The research instruments were 1) lesson plan, 2) occupational project-based learning activities, 3) learning achievement test, 4) career skills assessment and 5) student satisfaction questionnaire, analyzed by the mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent samples. The research results were as follows: (1) The development and search for efficiency on occupational project-based learning activities for promoting the knowledge and career skills efficiently as 80/80 found that the efficiency of the occupational project-based learning activities and career skills as 85.10/84.24. (2) The comparison of students’ learning achievement on pre and post study with occupational project-based learning activities on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) reported that the average post-study score was significantly higher than pre-study at the level of .05. (3) The studying of students’ career skills with occupational project-based learning activities on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) found that the percentage of students’ career skill with occupational project-based learning activities of 84.30. (4) The student satisfaction on occupational project-based learning activities on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) discovered that the overall and each matter of student satisfaction on occupational project-based learning activities on business owning at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Mahapho, P. (2022). Development of occupational project-based learning for developing academic achievement and career skills for Grade 12 students. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(3), 25–37. Retrieved from
Research Article


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