Participatory Action Research: School application Guidelines

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Saisamorn Sukkhamduang
Suphot Praphaiphet
Sutsawat Praphaiphet
Wasan Sanglao
Kaisit Plarin


Participatory action research is a process of working together by an organization or a group of people to solve problems or develop a collaborative operation, emphasizing critical analysis using group processes, and research processes for change, learning and developing into new changes. It is divided into 3 levels: technical action, practical action, and emancipatory action research or participatory action research. Applied guidelines in schools include: Step 1 -- Preparing, Step 2 -- Doing (reconnaissance, planning, enacting the plan and observing how it works, and reflection) and Step 3 -- Evaluating (change, learn, and new knowledge).

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How to Cite
Sukkhamduang, S., Praphaiphet, S., Praphaiphet, S., Sanglao, W. ., & Plarin, K. (2022). Participatory Action Research: School application Guidelines. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(3), 38–52. Retrieved from
Technical Article


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