Developing an Integrated Internal Supervision Model to Promote Classroom Research Competencies at Santi Wittayasan School

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Jakrapong Thalangkan


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the need for integrated internal supervision model to promote teachers' classroom research competencies, 2) to develop an integrated internal supervision model to teachers' classroom research competencies, and 3) to evaluate the effectiveness of integrated internal supervision model to promote teachers' classroom research competencies. The target group used in the research was 1,090 people. The research instruments were Interview form, test, questionnaire, observation form, and group discussion. The values ​​were used as percentage, mean, standard deviation, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, dependent samples t-test and content analysis. Findings were as follows: 1) Teachers need to improve integrated internal supervision model with 3 methods; teachers who are substandard in classroom research competencies used Mentoring, for standard in classroom research competencies used Peer Coaching and for above standard used Self-directed Development. 2) The integrated internal supervision model (DSLK Model) with principle, objectives, integrated internal supervision process and success conditions had consistently, reasonably and possibly practicing. 3) The results of using the integrated internal supervision model to promote research classroom competency revealed that; (1) The supervision teachers had a high level of competency in internal supervision, and knowledge and understanding about classroom research before and after using different supervision styles were not statistically significant at the .05 level. (2) Teachers who received the supervision had knowledge and understanding of the integrated supervision before and after the use of the integrated supervision model were different at statistical significance at the .05 level. There is a very high level of classroom research competency, and their satisfaction with the integrated internal supervision model was at the highest level. (3) The students’ learning outcomes before and after using the integrated internal supervision model were significantly different statistically.

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How to Cite
Thalangkan, J. . (2022). Developing an Integrated Internal Supervision Model to Promote Classroom Research Competencies at Santi Wittayasan School. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(4), 24–34. retrieved from
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