Research and Development of Teaching and Learning Technology Competencies Using the Self-Learning Activity Sets for Teachers of Srithepprachasan School Under the Secondary Education Service Area Office of Phetchabun

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Suphachok Khengkaew


The aims of the research and development were 1) to study needs for developing the teacher's technological usability in teaching pedagogy, 2) to develop the self-learning activity sets to intensify teachers’ technology competencies in teaching pedagogy, 3) to compare the level of teachers’ technology competencies in teaching pedagogy before and after learning through the self-learning activity sets, and 4) to assess the level of the teacher’s satisfaction toward the self-learning activity sets after using the self-learning activity sets at Srithepprachasan school which is under the secondary educational service area office of Phetchabun. The participants are 60 teachers and educational personnel of academic year 2564. The research tools are the questionnaires and evaluation form. The statistical analysis of this research are a content consistency index, mean, standard deviation, percentage, t-test dependent, and modified priority need index. Results of the research shows as 1) the modified priority need index of teaching and learning technology competencies consist of technology in learning management, technology in student development, technology in medial production and innovative learning, technology in learning measurement and evaluation, and technology in interaction and communication with the students, respectively, 2) the self-learning activity sets have sufficiently an appropriation index and indicators of compromise, 3) the level of teacher’s technology competencies in teaching pedagogy after learning is higher than before learning through the self-learning activity sets at the statistical significance of .05 degree; in addition, the level of technology competency in learning management were identified at a proficiency level, and 4) the teacher’s satisfaction toward the self-learning activity sets were identified at a high level

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How to Cite
Khengkaew, S. . (2022). Research and Development of Teaching and Learning Technology Competencies Using the Self-Learning Activity Sets for Teachers of Srithepprachasan School Under the Secondary Education Service Area Office of Phetchabun. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(4), 35–49. Retrieved from
Research Article


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