The Evaluation of Operational Training for Developing Teachers and Educational Supporting Staff for Online Learning Arrangement in the COVID-19 Epidemic Situation Basing on Donald L. Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model

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Wises Pinpithak


The objectives of the study were to evaluate: (1) responding reaction of the trainees, (2) trainees’ learning, (3) the trainees’ behaviors, and (4) the results arising in the working places of the trainees. The sample were The Office of Basic Education Phetchabun Secondary Area, The Office of Basic Education Phetchabun Primary Area 2-3, The Local Administration Organization, The Buddhist Education Office, The Private Education Office, and The Special Education Office. The number of the samples were 357 teachers, 209 administrators, and 357 students. The data collecting instrument was manipulated through online program created in Google Form, and analyzed to the mean, standard deviation, and Z-test. For the result of learning obtained from the training, the scores measured from posttest were compared with criterion and tested with Z-test. The results showed that: (1) For the trainee’s responses, it was found that the most overall satisfaction. (2). For the learning from the training, it was found that the posttest scores of the trainers was significantly higher that the set criterion at statistical level .05. (3) For the trainees’ behaviors, it was found that in overall at high level. (4) The results arising in the workplaces of the training participants were found that at high level.

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How to Cite
Pinpithak , W. . (2022). The Evaluation of Operational Training for Developing Teachers and Educational Supporting Staff for Online Learning Arrangement in the COVID-19 Epidemic Situation Basing on Donald L. Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(4), 50–61. retrieved from
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