The Good Character of Academic Administrators in Digital Period

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Sakorn Mahahing
Bunchakkrawan Rotbamroe
Wiraporn Songsang


The article was on the aim for explaining and synthesis good character of academic administrators in digital period with was the essence on academic administration for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness included 4 aspects as follows: 1) The aspect of vision denoted by the good character of academic administrators of operation for the organization on responding the policy and transpiring the vision, administration and management for academic data through technology information. 2) The aspect of communication was denoted the good character of academic administrators denoting by administration and management through on-line social media. 3) The aspect of learning culture was denoted the good character of academic administrators by learning and perceiving the policy on continuity and creation learning network on generality by using the digital instrument for learning exchange and development for potentiality of the teachers. 4) The aspect of being citizen in digital period denoted the good character of academic administrators by good model with the using of technology for society and realizing the virtue, ethics, rule and social law.

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How to Cite
Mahahing, S. ., Rotbamroe, B. ., & Songsang, W. . (2022). The Good Character of Academic Administrators in Digital Period. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(4), 62–75. Retrieved from
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