Development of an English Vocabulary Writing Programmed Skill Instruction for Grade 6

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Jinvara Pimsang
Pilailuk Pengwongsa


The purpose of this research were to develop an English Vocabulary Writing Programmed Skill Instruction for grade 6 aimed to meet the standardized criteria of 75/75 and to study students’ effectiveness learning, to enhance students’ learning achievement in English, and to study the students’ satisfaction of learning English by Vocabulary Writing Programmed. The sample was consisted of one class of 19 grade 6 students in KhukanpittayasanSchool, under the Office of Khonkaen Educational Service Area 4, during the first semester of the 2022 academic year, gained by the purposive sampling. The study employed experimental research. The tools used in the research included the English Vocabulary Writing Programmed for grade 6, the lesson plans consisted of 5 lesson plans for 15 hours, and learning achievement test constructed by the researcher. The test difficulty indices ranged from .40 to .67, the discrimination indices ranged from .56 to .97, the reliability
value was .85, and a questionnaire for eliciting the students’ satisfactions about the learning activities which had been organized for them. The collected data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results were as follow: The English Vocabulary Writing Programmed were efficient since they were found to have the criteria of  78.13/82.11 that was higher than the expected student criterion of 75 percentage. And the effective index value was .74. The students’ achievement after using the English Vocabulary
Writing Programmed was statistically higher than that before using them at .01 level of significance. The students’ satisfaction of learning by the English Vocabulary Writing Programmed showed an average score of 4.67 which was at the “highest” level.

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How to Cite
Pimsang, J., & Pengwongsa, P. (2023). Development of an English Vocabulary Writing Programmed Skill Instruction for Grade 6. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(1), 1–11. Retrieved from
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