Personnel Administration According to the Four Brahmavihara Principles in Basic Educational Institutions under the Office of Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area

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Amnuay Marnomai
Sunthon Saikham
PhrakhruPalad Boonchuay Chotivungso


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study personnel administration according to the Four Brahmavihara principles in basic educational institutions under the Office of Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area; 2) to compare personnel administration according to the Four Brahmavihara principles in basic educational institutions under the Office of Khon Kaen Secondary Education Service Area classified by school location, school size, and experience; 3) to study guidelines for promoting and developing personnel administration according to the Four Brahmavihara principles in basic educational institutions under the Office of Khon Kaen Secondary Education Service Area. The sample used for this study was 426 school administrators and teachers in basic educational institutions under the Office of Khon Kaen Secondary Education Service Area. The tool used to collect data were questionnaire, and interview form. The research results were as follows: 1) The personnel administration according to the Four Brahmavihara principles in basic educational institutions under the Office of Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area was at a high level. The highest mean was seen in the aspect of personnel management, followed by personnel planning, personnel development, performance appraisal, and personnel maintenance respectively. 2) Personnel administration according to Four Brahmavihara principles in basic educational institutions under the Office of Khon Kaen Secondary Education Service Area with position, size of school And work experience found that the overall difference was statistically significant at the  .05
level, and 3) The guidelines for promoting and developing personnel administration according to the Four Brahmavihara principles in basic educational institutions under the Office of Khon Kaen Secondary Education Service Area are that administrators should disseminate relevant performance of personnel for thorough practice, allow everyone to participate in personnel management planning, personnel planning with fairness and act as a good example.

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How to Cite
Marnomai, A., Saikham, S. ., & Chotivungso, P. B. . (2023). Personnel Administration According to the Four Brahmavihara Principles in Basic Educational Institutions under the Office of Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(1), 12–21. Retrieved from
Research Article


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