The Risk Management According to the Four Noble Truths of Educational Institutions under the Office of the Phrapariyattidhamma Education Area 7, General Education Division

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Keerati Keawsakul
Tawee Sranamkam
PhrakhruPalad Boonchuay Chotivungso


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the current state of risk management of educational institutions under the Office of Phrapariyattidhamma Education Area 7, General Education Division; 2) to study risk management guidelines of educational institutions under the Office of Phrapariyattidhamma Education Area 7, General Education Division; 3) to present risk management guidelines for educational institutions under the Office of Phrapariyattidhamma Education Area 7, General Education Division. This study was carried out by means of a mixed- method research. The research tools were questionnaires and interviews. The results were as follows: The state of risk management of educational institutions as a whole was performed at a high level. It was most practiced in risk assessment according to the principles of Samudaya, followed by the report and follow-up according to the principle of Nirodha and the least was the setting of objectives according to the principle of Dukkha.The results of the study of risk management guidelines according to the Four Noble Truths found that risk management must be implemented in the following stages: (1) studying the school environment; (2) setting objectives; (3) identifying risks; (4) assessing risks; (5) responding to risks; (6) determining controlled activities; (7) information and communication; (8) follow up and report. The risk management according to the Four Noble Truths of educational institutions under the Office of Phrapariyattidhamma Education Area 7 consisted of 4 steps: (1) the educational institution is at risk (Dukkha); (2) the likelihood of being at risk (Samudaya); (3) the search for risk prevention methods (Magga); (4) the success of risk prevention (Nirodha).

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How to Cite
Keawsakul, K. ., Sranamkam, T., & Chotivungso, P. B. (2023). The Risk Management According to the Four Noble Truths of Educational Institutions under the Office of the Phrapariyattidhamma Education Area 7, General Education Division. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(1), 22–33. Retrieved from
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