The Knowledge Management Model of Personnel under the Office of the Phrapariyattidhamma Education Area 7, General Education Division

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Saengtaen Churut
Tawee Sranamkam
Samrit Kangpheng


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the knowledge management condition of personnel under the Office of Phrapariyattidhamma Education Area 7, General Education Division; 2) to create a model of knowledge management of the personnel; 3) to compare knowledge management of the personnel; 4) to propose a guideline for knowledge management of the personnel. The research tools were a questionnaire and an interview form. The research results were as follows: The knowledge management condition of personnel was statistically rated at a high level in all aspects. The aspect with the highest mean was
knowledge system organization, followed by access to knowledge, and the least was processing and filtering knowledge. However, the overall mean was at a high level. To build a knowledge management model for personnel, there were five knowledge management processes, namely: (1) work plan preparation, (2) management, (3) study of the current situation of the organization; (4) knowledge about using digital technology, (5) knowledge of knowledge creation, refining knowledge, sharing and exchange of knowledge. The result of the model evaluation by the school administrators was at a high level. Based on the personnel
knowledge management comparison by comparing gender and experience in the current position, it was found that knowledge management of personnel according to gender no difference. As for knowledge management of personnel according to experience in the current position was different at the significance level of .05. The knowledge management model of personnel consists of five steps: (1) knowledge and planning, (2) management, (3) studying the current state of the organization, (4) knowledge of the use of digital technology, and (5) knowledge in creating knowledge, refining knowledge, sharing and exchanging knowledge.

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How to Cite
Churut, S. ., Sranamkam, T., & Kangpheng, . S. (2023). The Knowledge Management Model of Personnel under the Office of the Phrapariyattidhamma Education Area 7, General Education Division. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(1), 34–46. Retrieved from
Research Article


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