The Effect of Development in Problem Solving Ability by using Psycho – intellectual Activities of Kindergarten 2 Students

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Navaporn Kangpheng
Jinvara Pimsang


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the effect of development in ability of problem-solving thinking by using psycho–intellectual activities of Kindergarten 2 Students. The target group using in this study includes 15 Kindergarten 2 Students with their ages between 4-5 years old, studying during the first semester, Ban Nongkung Wittayakarn School, under jurisdiction of the Office of Khon Kaen Educational Service Area 1, 15 students, selected by purposing sampling. The instruments using for data collection were: 1) the psycho–intellectual activity management plan, 2) the behavioral observation of ability in problem solving thinking, and 3) the problem-solving thinking ability test. Data were analyzed by using computer program. The statistic using for data analysis included the percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research findings found that: For ability in problem solving thinking
between pretest and posttest of psycho–intellectual activity management, it was in higher level. The ability in problem solving thinking of Kindergarten 2 Students obtaining 8 weeks of psycho–intellectual activity, was likely to be improved. In addition, the target group students’ posttest of ability in problem solving thinking, was in higher level respectively. It was showed that the psycho–intellectual activity management, could improve Kindergarten 2 Students’ ability in problem solving thinking

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How to Cite
Kangpheng, N., & Pimsang, J. . (2023). The Effect of Development in Problem Solving Ability by using Psycho – intellectual Activities of Kindergarten 2 Students. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(1), 47–58. retrieved from
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