Academic Administration According to The Four Iddhipada of The Center for Educational Quality Development at Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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Kanokphit Chatchatchawan
Phra Honda Vadasuddo
Tawee Sranamkam


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the academic administration of the Center for Educational Quality Development under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 3; 2) to propose guidelines for academic administration according to the Four Iddhipada of the Center for Educational Quality Development. This study was carried out by means of mixed-method research. The sample included 175 administrators and teachers. The research tools were: a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The obtained data were analyzed by the following statistics: Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Content Analysis. The research results were as follows: 1) The overall academic administration of the Center for Educational Quality Development under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 3 was statistically rated at a high level. The most practiced aspect was curriculum, followed by supervision within educational institutions and measurement and evaluation of education, respectively. 2) The guidelines for academic administration according to the Four Iddhipada of the Center for Educational Quality Development are that regarding the curriculum, there should be a passion for working with curriculum arrangements, supervising and monitoring curriculum usage regularly with care, evaluating the use of the curriculum and using the curriculum evaluation results to improve academic work. In terms of learning management, there should be an arrangement of teachers to teach according to major subjects and, organizing the atmosphere in the classroom to be conducive to teaching. In terms of teaching media, training in the preparation of teaching materials and preparation of various media for teachers should be conducted. In terms of measurement and evaluation, the meeting to clarify teachers understand the measurement and evaluation regulations, and measurement tools by covering the content by learning objectives should be organized. In terms of supervision within educational institutions, tools and the method of supervision within educational institutions in a kalayanamittata style.

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How to Cite
Chatchatchawan, K. . ., Vadasuddo, P. H. ., & Sranamkam, T. . (2023). Academic Administration According to The Four Iddhipada of The Center for Educational Quality Development at Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(2), 26–36. Retrieved from
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