Professional Learning Community Development of Ban Atsamat School Under the Jurisdiction of Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 5: Participatory Action Research

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Punyawee Chitsrattha


The purpose of this research was to study the results of professional learning community development, and the results of changes arising from the development of the professional learning community of Ban Atsamat School. Conduct participatory action research by the researcher and 6 teachers. The research instruments were observation, interview, satisfaction assessment form, and field notes. The results were as follows: 1) The results of professional learning community development 2 circles, 8 steps, 5 components, 17 empirical goal indicators. According to the Master Projects Plan, there are 3 projects: 1) Active learning management project: Teachers teach students to act through the thinking process at every level in the school, including component 4, 3 indicators, 2 indicators of which the empirical goals were achieved, and 1 indicator that the empirical goals were not achieved. The point is that teachers have leadership skills that create leader, and community leadership in teaching professional learning. 2) The Professional Learning Community Development Project (PLC) has a total of 10 empirical goal indicators, components 1, 2, 5: 9 empirical goal achievements have been achieved, but 1 goal has not been achieved. The indicator is that every teacher is a learner, knowledge is shared and experience each other. 3) The internal quality assurance program component 3 of 4 indicators and achieved empirical goals in all indicators. Therefore, the research was carried out according to the cycle process 2, steps 5 - 8, by raising the achievement of the empirical goal indicators that had been achieved to increase. As for the empirical target indicators that were not yet completed, they were brought back into the participatory action research process in the second cycle in order to achieve success in achieving all target indicators. 2) The results of changes arising from the development of professional learning communities resulted in changes at 3 levels: individual, group and school levels.

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How to Cite
Chitsrattha , P. . (2023). Professional Learning Community Development of Ban Atsamat School Under the Jurisdiction of Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 5: Participatory Action Research. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(3), 1–13. Retrieved from
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