Organizing Computational Science and Coding Activities Using Local Material to Develop Executive Functions (EF) of Kindergarten 3 Students

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Angsana Panit
Montree Denduang


The objectives of this research were: 1) to compare executive functions (EF) of kindergarten 3 students after organizing computational science and coding activities using local material with the criteria of 80 percentage, and 2) to study kindergarten 3 students’ satisfaction on organizing computational science and coding activities using local material. The sample group were 26 kindergarten 3 students in the second semester of 2022 academic year at Wat Jaeng School under the Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Cluster random sampling was employed. The research instruments consisted of 1) activity plans, 2) an executive functions (EF) skill assessment, and 3) a student satisfaction survey. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research showed that: 1) The executive functions (EF) of kindergarten 3 students after organizing computational science and coding activities using local material was higher than the criteria of 80 percentage with statistically significant at the level of .01, and 2) the kindergarten 3 students’ satisfaction on organizing computational science and coding activities using local material was at a highest level.

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How to Cite
Panit, A. ., & Denduang, M. . (2024). Organizing Computational Science and Coding Activities Using Local Material to Develop Executive Functions (EF) of Kindergarten 3 Students. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(6), 1–14. retrieved from
Research Article


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