The Learning Management by Davies’ Instructional Model In Muay Thai Skills of Grade 12 Students

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Kridtima Naunkaew
Montree Denduang


The objective of this research is first to compare Muay Thai Skill by Davies' Instructional Model in post-test and the 80 percent criteria. Second, to study the satisfaction of students with Davies' instructional model. The sampling group is Grade 12 or 5 students from Thepha School, Thepha District, Songkhla. In a classroom with a total of 40 people, a sampling group was obtained through cluster random sampling. The instruments of this research are the learning management plan, the Muay Thai skill test, and the satisfaction questionnaire form. The statistics used in this research are percentage, standard deviation (SD), and T-test. The research showed that, first, the Grade 12 student’s Muay Thai skill in the post-test by Davies' Instructional Model in Muay Thai Skill was higher than the 80 percentage criteria with statistical significance at level 0.1. Second, the Grade 12's satisfaction in the learning management by Davies' instructional model at the high level.

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How to Cite
Naunkaew, K. ., & Denduang , M. . (2024). The Learning Management by Davies’ Instructional Model In Muay Thai Skills of Grade 12 Students. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(6), 15–25. Retrieved from
Research Article


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