Strategies for Developing Non-Formal Education at the Basic Education Level in Order to Raise Academic Achievement Results in Nation Educational Tests (N-Net) of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education, Ban Fang District, Khon Kaen Province

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Nurat Worakot


This research has a purpose: 1) Study the problem of raising academic achievement levels. 2) Develop strategies for developing non-formal education at the basic education level. To raise academic achievement National educational test results (N-NET). 3) Study the results of using strategies. 4) To evaluate and improve strategies. The research method used is research and development (Research and Development: R&D) carried out in 4 phases: Phase 1 Study of problem conditions and development guidelines; Phase 2 Strategy development Phase; 3 Experimentation and evaluation of strategy use. Phase; 4 Evaluation of efficiency and improvement of strategies. The results of the research found that strategies for developing non-formal education at the basic education level to raise academic achievement. The results of the National Education Test (N-NET) of the Non-Formal and Informal Education Center, Ban Fang District, have 3 areas, a total of 7 strategies: 1. On the management side, there are 3 strategies: 1) Supervision within the educational institution. 2) Promoting professional communities (PLC). 3) Developing school curriculum. 2. In terms of developing teacher quality, there are 2 strategies: 1) Encourage teachers to organize teaching using Active Learning, 2) Encourage teachers to conduct research in the classroom. 3. In terms of student quality development, there are 2 parts: 1) Develop a student care and assistance system to be effective and continuous. 2) Develop individual student academic skills. The suitability assessment was at the highest level. The results of using the strategy found that; 1) teachers are at a high level of satisfaction. 2) the results of teachers' learning management are of high quality. 3) students have academic achievement. National educational test results (N-NET) Academic Year 2022 Higher than academic year 2021 at all levels. 2) Learners have the highest level of satisfaction, and the strategy was 99.02 percent effective.

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How to Cite
Worakot , N. . (2024). Strategies for Developing Non-Formal Education at the Basic Education Level in Order to Raise Academic Achievement Results in Nation Educational Tests (N-Net) of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education, Ban Fang District, Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Intellect Education, 3(1), 52–69. Retrieved from
Research Article


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