Approach on Learning Management of Phraparityattidhamma Schools, General Education Department in the 21st Century

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Phra Chai Jinasumano Boonchaiming
Phramaha Samrong Saññato
Prayoon Saengsai


This academic paper has purpose to study approach on learning management of Phrapariyattidhamma school, general education department in 21st century. The approach of learning by fully transferring knowledge to student, to the best of their potential, the curriculum should be developed to suit the learner’s age and era in a modern and systematic format. In addition, Phrapariyattidhamma schools, the general education department should be guidelines for developing the quality of education for monks and novices to have knowledge and experiences that are consistent with changes in society and modern science. Learning management for both Buddhism subjects along with general education should include development of teachers, curriculum, teaching media, student’s development activities and measurement& evaluation. It to be consistent with changes in social, economy, politics, technology will result in students being the successor of Buddhism and quality citizens of society. With the adjustment of Phrapariyattidhamma school, the general education department in the 21st century will help determine the direction of education according to the needs of monks & novices and society by integrating modern learning principles along with the Dhamma and Vinaya to enable self-development, society and the nation will continue.

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How to Cite
Jinasumano Boonchaiming , P. C., Saññato, P. S. ., & Saengsai , P. . (2024). Approach on Learning Management of Phraparityattidhamma Schools, General Education Department in the 21st Century. Journal of Intellect Education, 3(1), 70–85. Retrieved from
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