Development of a Learning Activity Package by using Davis’ Model for Waste Material Craft of Primary 5 (Grade 5) Students

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Nithiwadee Thadthongkam
Pornpirom Lhongsap
Rossarin Jermtaisong


The objectives of this research were to study 1) Basic information and needs for the development of a learning activity package for waste materials craft, 2) to develop and experiment with a learning activity package by using Davis’ Model, 3) to find the quality of the learning activity package according to the performance criteria of 80/80, 4) to compare the performance skills of primary 5 (grade 5) students before and after learning by using learning activity package, and 5) to compare learning achievement of primary 5 students before and after learning by using learning activity package. The samples in this study were 42 students in Primary 5 of Pongploy Anusorn School, studying in the second semester of the 2022 academic year, by using cluster random sampling. The research instrument were: 1) A questionnaire, 2) Interview form, 4) A learning activity package, 5) A performance assessment form, and 6) A Learning achievement Test. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, efficiency (E1/E2), and t-test. The research results showed that: 1) the basic information and needs for the development of the learning activity package The researcher has developed a package of learning activities in the amount of 3 topics; they are The Basic Craft Skills, the Invention of products, and the Invention of Decorations. 2) In each topic consists of an Introduction, clarification, teacher's guides, teacher's role, student's guide, subject matter, objective, knowledge sheet, work sheet, Pre-test, and Post-test. 3) The efficiency of the learning activity package was 81.65/84.75 according to the 80/80 criterion. 4) The performance skills of Primary 5 students after learning management by using a learning activity package higher than before. 5) The learning achievement after learning by using a learning activity package was higher than before at the statistical significance at the level of .01.

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How to Cite
Thadthongkam, N. ., Lhongsap, P. ., & Jermtaisong, R. (2024). Development of a Learning Activity Package by using Davis’ Model for Waste Material Craft of Primary 5 (Grade 5) Students. Journal of Intellect Education, 3(1), 1–10. Retrieved from
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