Promoting the Development of Innovative Media and Educational Technology to Develop Learning Skills of Learners Wat Sema Mueang Municipal School Nakhon Si Thammarat Municipality
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The purpose of this research was to 1) study the use of media, innovation, and educational technology at Wat Sema Municipality School, 2) guidelines to promote the development of media innovation and educational technology to enhance student's learning skills at Wat Sema Municipality School, and 3) present guidelines to promote the development of media innovation and educational technology to enhance student's learning skills at Wat Sema Municipality School. This is a qualitative research study that collected important data through in-depth interviews with 15 stakeholders, 5 experts, and discussions with a qualified group of 7 experts. The tools used included in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and data analysis content analysis. The research findings are as follows: 1) The use of media and educational technology at Wat Sema Municipality School is outdated. The production of educational media does not meet current standards, the use of computer technology is partially outdated, and the internet network is unstable. The use of innovative teaching methods lacks up-to-date tools. 2) Guidelines for the development of media, innovation, and educational technology to improve students' learning skills include enhancing thinking, analysis, communication, and learning skills using educational media. Additionally, the use of technology can develop students' thinking, analysis, communication, and learning skills. Moreover, innovative teaching methods can enhance students' learning skills. 3) It is possible, appropriate, and beneficial to present guidelines to promote the development of media, innovation, and educational technology to enhance students' learning skills. Recommendations from the qualified group suggest that using educational media, innovative teaching methods, and educational technology is a practical approach to enhance students' learning skills.
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