Authentic Leadership and Proactive Work Behavior: Moderated Mediation Effects of Conscientiousness and Organizational Commitment

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Chuchai Smithikrai
Jeeraporn Suwannadet


The purposes of this study were twofold: (1) to examine the mediating role of organization commitment in the relationship between authentic leadership and proactive work behavior, and (2) to investigate the moderating role of conscientiousness in mediating process of organization commitment. Using anonymous questionnaire survey, the sample was comprised of 375 persons working in a large public university in the north of Thailand. The SPSS Program with PROCESS macro (Model 4 and Model 8) was used to test the hypotheses regarding the mediation and the moderated mediation effects. As predicted, the results indicate that organizational commitment mediated the relationship between authentic leadership and proactive work behavior. Moreover, the direct and indirect effects of authentic leadership (through organizational commitment) on PWB are particularly strong under high compared with low levels of conscientiousness. 


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Smithikrai, C., & Suwannadet, J. (2018). Authentic Leadership and Proactive Work Behavior: Moderated Mediation Effects of Conscientiousness and Organizational Commitment. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 13(2), 94–106. Retrieved from
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