Women Leaders in the Thai Education: Career Paths and the Glass Ceiling

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Panpim Cheaupalakit


This paper presents an overview of the status of female leaders ineducation in Thailand at the ministry and higher education levels.While the representation of women in the highest levels ofeducational leadership is gradually increasing, their numbers are stillfar too small compared to that of men. Using qualitative research,the paper investigates the paths to career success of severalprominent women leaders at both levels of education. Women whowant to become leaders in education may benefit from an analysis oftheir experiences and career paths. The root cause of the glass ceilingwhich prevents Thai women from attaining leadership positions areidentified, and recommendations are made to overcome these barriers.This paper asserts that it is necessary for the Thai government andeducational institutions to provide equal opportunity to womenwhen it comes to the recruitment of educational leaders if they are tomaximize the use of Thailand’s human resources. The paper alsooffers recommendations for female individuals, who aspire forleadership positions, on how to achieve their career goals.

Keywords: women leaders, glass ceiling, career paths, Thai education


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How to Cite
Cheaupalakit, P. (2014). Women Leaders in the Thai Education: Career Paths and the Glass Ceiling. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 9(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.14456/ijbs.2014.7
Research Articles