Challenges and Well-being of Single Women Living in Malaysia

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Azlin Hj Alwi
Pamilia Lourdunathan


The present study attempts to provide an insight into the life of single women in Malaysia. Specifically, the objectives of this study are to examine (1) single women’s experience of major challenges, and (2) factors that can increase their well-being. Using a purposive sampling and snowball method, 12 single women between the ages of 30 to 50 years old, and are never married participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews were carried out individually. Results from this study show that participants viewed their challenges as attributed to 1) others judgmental attitude towards singles; (2) own struggle with self-acceptance; (3) being stereotyped and treated unfairly; (4) feelings of insecurity and displacements; and (5) experience of negative emotions. In addition, the findings also indicated that those factors that can increase coping include 1) defining and creating meaning to self; (2) coping skills, (3) religious strengths, (4) strong internal attributes, (5) positive self-talks, (6) social and emotional support (7) healthy and active lifestyle, and (8) being hopeful for the future. The findings were further discussed with respect to the current literature on single women’s well-being, challenges and coping.


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How to Cite
Alwi, A. H., & Lourdunathan, P. (2020). Challenges and Well-being of Single Women Living in Malaysia. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 15(1), 1–18. retrieved from
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