Psycho-Perceptual aspects of Positive Behaviour among Patients with Head and Neck Cancer

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Kinnari Kashyap
Satyananda Panda


The present study uses the insight of behavioural and cognitive research to propose that illness beliefs and type D personality play a crucial role in altering the health behaviours among the patients with head and neck cancer. Sixty-six in-patients (stage I and II) were selected from two different ospitals of Assam, in the North-east region of India. Thirty-four in-patients were males (51.50%) and thirty-two were females (48.50%) with age groups below 45 years (37.90%) and above 45 years (62.10%) were selected based on head and neck cancer features. The participants were assessed using various questionnaires: brief illness perception questionnaire, type D personality scale and positive health changesestions. The results of the study showed certain causal factors of the illness such as bad habits, physical injury/accidents/infections, environmental exposure, religious causes, and luck. In addition, positive health changes were reported after the diagnosis of their illness: healthy food habits, regular exercise, a decrease in tobacco/betel-nuts/smoking, better sleep, proper hygiene, and therapy. Correlation analysis revealed various significant relationships among the selected dimensions. The result of hierarchical regression analysis was significant, revealing that in model I, treatment control (β= .62, p= 009) and understanding of illness (β= .90, p=01) impacts positive health changes. In model II, along with the previous dimensions, consequence (β= .34, p=.03), concern (β= .50, p=.005), social inhibition (β= .28, p=.02) and negative affectivity (β= .38, p=.007), were statistically significant to positive health changes. The study contributes fresh insight about factors that could promote positive health behaviours among cancer patients.


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How to Cite
Kashyap, K., & Panda, S. (2020). Psycho-Perceptual aspects of Positive Behaviour among Patients with Head and Neck Cancer. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 15(3), 1–18. retrieved from
Research Articles


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