Three-way Interactions of Workload, Social Support and Coping Strategy on Job Burnout

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Sudathip Woranetipo
Jennifer Chavanovanich


Job burnout is an occupational phenomenon that can have a major impact on physical and mental health and job performance. Accordingly, this research examined (a) workload as a job demand and (b) social support in the workplace and problem-focused coping strategy as a job resource and personal resource, respectively. The purpose of this study was to test the buffering effect of social support in the workplace and problem-focused coping strategy on the relationship between workload and job burnout. Data were collected by an online survey from 260 civil servants in the government sector in Thailand. The results showed significant three-way interactions (β = -1.82, p < 0.05) in which the positive effect of workload on job burnout is diminished when civil servants have a high level of social support in the workplace and a high level of problem-focused coping strategy. The findings provide a theoretical implication by examining the interaction of job and personal resources as a buffering effect on the positive relationship between workload and job burnout. Practical implications for organizational development are shared as potential mechanism for the reduction of burnout, particularly in managing well-being in work-related stressful situations.


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How to Cite
Woranetipo, S., & Chavanovanich, J. (2021). Three-way Interactions of Workload, Social Support and Coping Strategy on Job Burnout. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 16(1), 58–72. Retrieved from
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