The Influence of Family and Psychological Factors on Self-regulated Learning Behavior of Elementary School Students

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Kanammah Manukaram
Melissa Ng Lee Yen Abdullah


Self-regulated learning behavior is a critical learning skill in the 21st century and should be nurtured since young. This study aimed to contribute new knowledge in behavioral science by examining the influence of family and psychological factors on self-regulated learning behavior of elementary school students. Quantitative questionnaire survey method was employed to collect the data for this study. The sample consisted of 639 elementary school students sampled from schools located in state of Penang, Malaysia. Six instruments were used to gauge the family and psychological factors. The motivated strategies for learning questionnaire, was used to measure students’ self-regulated learning behavior. Findings showed that the combined effects of family and psychological factors explained 36% (R2=.36) [F (5,53) =63.93, p<.05] of the variance in self-regulated learning behavior of elementary school students. Factors with significant influences were parents’ participation (b=.24, p<.05), parental support (b=.10, p<.05), authoritative parenting style (b=.09, p<.05) and intrinsic goal orientation (b=.36, p<.05). The results suggest that to promote self-regulated learning behavior among elementary school students, both family and psychological factors must be taken into consideration as these factors accounted for more than one third of the changes in students’ self-regulated learning. In addition, one of the major findings from this study suggests that family factors are more pertinent than students’ psychological factors in developing self-regulated learning behaviors at elementary level. Collaborations with parents, thus, is an important step when developing intervention to promote students’ self-regulated learning behavior at elementary school level.


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Manukaram, K., & Ng Lee Yen Abdullah, M. (2021). The Influence of Family and Psychological Factors on Self-regulated Learning Behavior of Elementary School Students. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 16(3), 1–15. Retrieved from
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