Behavioral Factors and Successful Implementation of Mandatory Management Information Systems in Indonesia

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Alwan Sri Kustono


Information systems help local governments present quality financial statements. An understanding of the factors that influence successful implementation is crucial. This study examines antecedents of a management information system implementation in Indonesia. Data, using a questionnaire, was obtained 453 operators in East Java, one of the largest provinces in Indonesia. Validity and reliability testing showed that the questionnaire matched the common consensus criteria (each item greater than .07). Path analysis test results for usage behavior caused by self-efficacy (β = .69, p = .05), perceived complexity (β = -.34, p = .01), and intention to use (β = .39, p = .00). The determinants of usefulness are self-efficacy (β = .52, p = .00), and ease of use (β = .53, p = .00).  One of the variables that affect attitude is usefulness (β = .18, p = .26). Intention of use influenced by self-efficacy (β = .69, p = .00), and attitude toward using (β = .46, p = .00). Self-efficacy affects perceived usefulness and behavioral intention to use, and ultimately affects actual system use. The Sobel test was utilized to examine the mediation function and the results shows that intention to use significantly mediates the relationship between the self-efficacy and usage behavior (Z = 3.9, p < .001). This study contributes to developing a new simple model to explain usage behavior in a mandatory information system where the intention to use could be important  mediating variable.


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Kustono, A. S. (2021). Behavioral Factors and Successful Implementation of Mandatory Management Information Systems in Indonesia. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 16(3), 84–98. Retrieved from
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