Effects of Self-management Program on Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors among Elderly with Hypertension

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Pitchada Sutipan
Ungsinun Intarakamhang
Wirin Kittipichai
Ann Macaskill


This research aimed to evaluate whether a self-management program promoted healthy lifestyle behaviors (HLBs) and improved health outcomes among Thai elderly with hypertension.  Participants were randomly allocated to either an intervention group (n=20), that received an 8-week self-management program that included home visits, or a control group (n=20).  The data were analyzed by a chi-square analysis, a mixed-model repeated measure MANOVA, and MANCOVAs.  There were significant differences in the mean scores of healthy lifestyle behaviors at posttest and follow-up between the two groups (p <0.01).  Moreover, the experimental participants showed statistically significant decrease in BMI as compared to the control group participants in posttest and follow-up (p <0.001).  There was a statistically significant reduction in blood pressure in the experimental participants, compared with the control participants at follow-up (p <0.001).  Furthermore, healthy lifestyle behaviors increased significantly in the experimental participants compared with the control participants and baseline (p < 0.001).  In addition, BMI and blood pressure decreased in the experimental participants compared with the control participants and baseline (p < 0.001).  The self-management program resulted in improved healthy lifestyle behaviors, and health outcomes among the elderly with hypertension, and has implications for health promotion.


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How to Cite
Sutipan, P., Intarakamhang, U., Kittipichai, W., & Macaskill, A. (2018). Effects of Self-management Program on Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors among Elderly with Hypertension. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 13(2), 38–50. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IJBS/article/view/98167
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