The Development and Finding the Efficiency of Demonstration and Practice Set of Electrical Circuit in Motorcycle : Honda Wave 110i

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Pardit Laroatphotawatana


The  purposes  of  this  research  were  to: 1)  develop  and  find  out  the  efficiency  of  the  demonstration  and  practice  package  of  electrical  circuit  in  motorcycle:  Honda  Wave  110i  2)  compare  the  learning  achievement  of  students  of  before  and  after  using  such  demonstration  and  practice  package  and  3)  study  the  students'  satisfaction  towards  demonstration  and  practice  package.  The  sample  consisted  of  17  second  year  vocational  certificate  students  in  auto  mechanics  department  at  Nakhonpathom  Technical  College.  They  were  selected  by  purposive  sampling  method. The  instruments  were:  1)  the  demonstration  and  practice  package  of  electrical  circuit  in  motorcycle:  Honda  Wave  110i  2)  teaching  materials  3)  an  efficiency  test  and  4)  the  students’  satisfaction  towards  demonstration  and  practice  package.  The  data  were  analyzed  by  percentage, mean, standard  deviation  and  t-test  dependent.

The  result  of  the  study  were  as  follows: 1)  the  efficiency  of  the  demonstration  and  practice  package  of  electrical  circuit  in  motorcycle:  Honda  Wave  110i  and  the  teaching  materials  E1/E2  were  87.45/89.61  that  higher  than  the  predetermined  80/80  2)  the  result  of  students’  learning  achievement  after  study  through  the  demonstration  and  practice  package  of  electrical  circuit  in  motorcycle:  Honda  Wave  110i  was  significantly  higher  than  before  at  the  0.05  level  and  3)  the  students’  satisfaction  towards  the  demonstration  and  practice  package  were  at  high  level.

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How to Cite
Laroatphotawatana, P. (2019). The Development and Finding the Efficiency of Demonstration and Practice Set of Electrical Circuit in Motorcycle : Honda Wave 110i. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 3(1), 49–57. Retrieved from
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