Snack Food from Popped Rice with Calcium from Shrimp Chin

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Peachayapa Suksanguan


The  objectives  of  this  study  were  to:  1)  study  the  sensory  accepted  of  snack  food  from  popped  Rice  with  calcium  from  Shrimp  chin  with  different  quantity  of  shrimp  chin  and  2)  calculate  nutrition  value  of  calcium  from  popped  rice  in  shrimp  chin  food  at  the  different  quantity  0%, 20%, 40%, and  60% (weight  of  total  popped  rice  100  grams).

The  research  findings  presented  that:  1)  standard  formula  consist  of  Pop  Rice  38.03 %, sugar  19.01 %, butter  19.01 %, water  15.21 %, glucose  syrup  7.60 % , and  salt  1.14 %.  The  sensory  evaluation  of  snack  food  from  popped  rice  with  calcium  from  shrimp  chin  was  founded  60%  gained  scores  in  appearanced, color, odor, taste, crispy, and  total  value  increased  are  7.95, 7.95, 8.65, 8.35, 7.90 and 8.40, respectively  and  2)  calculated  in  value  of  nutrition  of  snack  food  from  popped  rice  with  calcium  from  shrimp  chin  founded  the  formula  60 %  taken  energy  1,002.28  kilocalories  carbohydrate  137.12  grams  protien  14.38  grams  fat  45.94  grams  and  calcium  2,640.89  milligrams, respectively.

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How to Cite
Suksanguan, P. (2019). Snack Food from Popped Rice with Calcium from Shrimp Chin. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 3(1), 63–70. Retrieved from
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