Creating and finding the effective teaching methods for statistical career Code (17-4000-1402) and general knowledge for Graduate Technology Program under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission

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Anothai Lardlao


The  objectives  of  this  research  are  as  follows;  1)  To  create  a  statistical  teaching  method  to  build  a  better  career.  2)  To  find  the  efficiency  of  teaching  and  learning  with  the  help  of  statistical  teaching  method  and  implementing  career  code  17-4000-1402  which  is  based  on  general  knowledge  about  statistics. Moreover, as  per  the  criteria  75/75, the  Program  for  Bachelors  of  Technology  will  be  effective  to  learn.  3)  To  compare  before  and  after  the  achievement  of  learners  with  the  application  of  statistical  career  instructions.  4)  To  study  the  satisfaction  of  learners  by  teaching  them  a  set  of  statistical  general  knowledge  for  occupation. The  sample   used  in  this  study  Is  an  19  undergraduate  students  in  the  second  year  of  electrical  technology  from  Technical  college.  Used  a  specific  selection  method.  The  research  instrument  consist  of  tools  used  in  the  experiment  and  includes :  1)  Teaching  statistics  for  career  statistics  2)  Learning  management  plans  using  statistics  for  careers  on  general  knowledge  about  statistics.  Tools  used  for  collecting  data  are-  1)  The  quality  evaluation  form  of  teaching  package  by  experts.  2)  Pre-test  and  post-test  for  each  subject.  3)  Test  on  learning  achievement  in  statistics  for  careers  on  general  knowledge  about  statistics  4)  Questionnaire  for  learners'  satisfaction  with learning.  Statistics  teaching  set  for  careers  on  general  knowledge  about  statistics.  And  analyze  data  by  finding  the
mean  (gif.latex?\bar{X})  standard  deviation  (S.D.).  And  used  to  test  the  difference  using  t-test  Dependent, Paired  Samples  Test.

The  study  indicates  that:  1)  The  experts  assess  the  quality  of  the  statistical  instruction  set  for  a  career  on  general  knowledge  about  statistics.  Overall  it  is  appropriate  at  the  highest  level.  2)  With  instruction  set  With  efficiency  according  to  the  standard  75/75  which  has  overall  efficiency  76.09/75.92  3)  Students  have  higher  academic  achievement  after  studying  then  before  with  statistical  significance  .01   4)  The  learners  are  satisfied  with  learning  a  set  of  statistics  for  occupation  on  general  knowledge  about  statistics  at  the  highest  level.

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How to Cite
Lardlao, A. (2019). Creating and finding the effective teaching methods for statistical career Code (17-4000-1402) and general knowledge for Graduate Technology Program under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 3(2), 1–9. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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