The Development of access system for computer history data with QR code For teachers in Electronics Department of Ratchaburi Technical College

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Phat Tongsamsee


The  research  objectives  were:  1)  To  develop  accessing  computer’s  data  system  by  using  QR  code  2)  To  study  user’s  satisfaction  of  the  developed  system.  The  researcher  has  therefore  designed  a  new  information  storage  and  access  system  using  a  QR  code.  The  research  starts  with  collecting  necessary  data, constructing  database, and  storing  in  cloud.  Then  QR  codes  were  generated  in  order  to  access  in  data  of  each  computer  and  validate  the  system  accuracy.  Further  a  questionnaire  was  constructed  in  order  to  test  user’s  satisfaction.  First  using  the  questionnaire, Item-objective  Congruence  Index  (IOC), three  experts  was  used  to  verify  the  questionnaire.  After  that, fifteen  teachers  in  Electronics  Department  had  done  the  questionnaire.  The  results  show  that  1)  the  system  accuracy  is  100  percent  and  2)  user’s  friendly  design  scores  and  user’s  requirement  respondent  were  in  the  excellent  level  with  the  score  of  4.67, 4.53  and  the  standard  deviation  of  0.47  and  0.50,  whereas  display  suitability  and  user’s  benefits  were  in  the  level  of  good  with  the  score  of  4.40, 4.43  and  the  standard  deviation  of  0.61  and  0.70  respectively.

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How to Cite
Tongsamsee, P. (2019). The Development of access system for computer history data with QR code For teachers in Electronics Department of Ratchaburi Technical College. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 3(2), 40–47. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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