Transformational Leadership of Management: Case Study of a Private Company

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Worathep Treewichit
Sutthapat Amornruangtrakoo
Kawee Boonlertwanit
Nuttapooit Sriphet
Kaweepong Hirunkasi


The objectives of this research are following; (1) to study the change leadership of the management of a private company (2) to compare the change of leadership of the management of a private company that has different genders age educational work status working years. And (3) to find the relationship between the organization orientation to the future (Pathfinding) in the adjustment of the organization in order to achieve the alignment and good leadership, must be a good model for others (Modeling) of change leadership. For the management of a private company

In this research, the researcher used the Quantitative Data Method by using a questionnaire to collect data from 189 population of a private company and 130 samples, including 37 personnel in the company and 93 personnel in the company calculated from Taro's formula Yamane and use cluster random sampling  methods to obtain appropriate samples to collect data. Data analysis. The researcher processed using the software package for social science research. And use inferential statistics to test the hypothesis, which is to compare the mean with 1 sample group using 2 sample samples, 2 groups using 3 or more independent sample t-tests, using one-way ANNOVA. Use Pearson's simple correlation

Hypothesis test results it was found that the changing leadership of the management of a private company, both in general and in all aspects. Not at a high level of comment And comparison of the change of  leadership of the management of a private company which contains basic information of the respondents, consisting of gender, age, education level Work status It was found that the transformational leadership of the executives in overall and in all 4 aspects were not different.

Transformational leadership of management of a private company, between the organization orientation to the future (Pathfinding) in the adjustment of the organization in order to achieve the alignment (decentralization or empowering) and the good leadership must be a good model for others (Modeling) to be related.

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How to Cite
Treewichit, W., Amornruangtrakoo, S., Boonlertwanit, K., Sriphet, N., & Hirunkasi, K. (2021). Transformational Leadership of Management: Case Study of a Private Company. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 5(1), 25–33. Retrieved from
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