การประเมินโครงการการพัฒนาแนวทางการจัดการศึกษาเรียนรวมอย่างมีคุณภาพ ของโรงเรียนเรียนรวม (Inclusive School) สังกัดกระทรวงศึกษาธิการในจังหวัดอุบลราชธานี โดยใช้รูปแบบ CIPPIEST การประเมินโครงการการพัฒนาแนวทางการจัดการศึกษาเรียนรวมอย่างมีคุณภาพ ของโรงเรียนเรียนรวม (Inclusive School) สังกัดกระทรวงศึกษาธิการในจังหวัดอุบลราชธานี โดยใช้รูปแบบ CIPPIEST

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จิตตวดี ทองทั่ว


This research aims to assess the project to develop quality inclusive education at the inclusive school under the Ministry of Education in Ubon Ratchathani province on the context, factors, processes, productivity, impact, effectiveness, sustainability, and learning transfer. The target for the assessment was that schools randomly selected 3 participants for a school from 25 schools participants, consisting of one school Administrator, one teacher in charge of inclusive education at the school or one intern teacher who is teaching students who had learning disabilities, and one general teacher, 75 people and 30 project management committees appointed by the Ubonratchathani provincial Education office, 105 participants. The assessment applied the CIPPIEST assessment Model. The five-level education scale has passed the quality of content by 7 Experts and reliability by finding the alpha coefficient according to Cronbach’s Method. (Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient). Data collection was conducted in 5 phases. Phrase 1, Gather contextual information before submitting the proposal for project approval information. Phase 2, before starting the project, collects data on factors. Phrase 3, during project implementation gathering process information. Phase 4 focuses on completing the project, and collecting productivity data. Phrase5, six months after the project is completed, collects data on impact, effectiveness, sustainability, and knowledge transfer. The mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the data, analysis, and compared with the criteria, an average of 3.5 or higher, and content analysis.

              Assessment Summary

              Overall the result of the assessment of the project for developing quality education at inclusive school under the Ministry of Education in Ubonratchathani had a high average (µ=4.02) which was the assessment that passed the judging criteria. When considering each aspect, it was found that the assessment result was at a high level in all aspects. In descending orders as context (µ=4.20), productivity (=µ4.03), effectiveness (µ=4.03), knowledge transfer (µ=3.87), impact (µ=3.99), and sustainability (µ=3.84) respectively

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