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The objectives of this research were: 1) study the application of Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life of students. 2) compare on Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life of students and 3) suggest the way to promote on Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life of students. The study was quantitative research by proportional stratified random Sampling which all of sample were grade 7 to 9 students at Samankhunvitthayadana School total 265 persons. Data were analyzed using statistic, percentage, average, standard deviation, T-test and F-test for presenting descriptive information in an overview. The research found that: 1) The application of the principles of culture of students Overall is at a high level ( =3.54) by overview 4 aspects: 1) Dhammanudhamapatipati (applying), 2) Yonisomanasikara (investigation), 3) Sappurisasamseva (good company), and 4) Saddhammassavana (Fair hearing). 2) The comparative to apply for the Vudḍḥidhamma of students living in daily life. The students used Vuddhidhamma for living in daily life that was found differences of statistically significant at the level of .001. According to the student with different grade point average aimed that they used Vuddhidhamma for living in daily life that was found differences of statistically significant at the level of .05 and also different of gender and parents occupation that applied Vuddhidhamma for living in daily life that was found not differences of statistically significant at the level of .05. And 3) It was recommended that the suggestion about promote on Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life of students was the guidelines to promote the application of the Dharma principles in daily life the most such as: Sappurisasamseva (be friend with a good persons). They should be advised by their parents in the case of personal problems.
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