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Chananchida Tipyan
Chuan Petchkaew
Suthavadee Jinayat
Thanisa Sukhararom


The purpose of this research study is: 1) self-management of the occupational community according to the sufficiency economy guideline and       2) to search for an innovative model of professional development self-management for the stability of the community economy based on community culture. This research was a qualitative research use study of documents, field study, in-depth interviews and focusgroup. Select purposive sampling divided into 4 groups: 1) government agencies at district level, 2) government agencies at local level, 3) academics and 4) people general total 10 persons. By using the analytical study to the integration and creation of new knowledge. The research results found that: 1. The self-management of the community emphasizes the cultural way based on the sufficiency economy. Villagers mainly work in farming. And farming as a supplement Such occupations changed from subsistence production to designs for sale. Focus on operating with professional groups It aims to create stability and well-being of the people in the community. The Chaiya community occupation groups were 1) the Pawe sub-district occupation group, 2) the Thung sub-district community occupation group, and 3) the Lamet sub-district occupation group. And 2. an innovative model of occupational self-management for the stability of the community economy based on community culture is an appropriate career development model for the stability of the community economy based on community culture has 6 important components such as: 1) leadership component, 2) Composition of professional, 3) Productivity component, 4) community adaptation component, 5) Thinking element, and       6) community self-management component. There is learning and succession within the community to suit the changing situation of the community.

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How to Cite
Tipyan, C., Petchkaew, C. ., Jinayat, S., & Sukhararom, T. (2021). CHAIYA COMMUNITY SELF-MANAGEMENT INNOVATION FOR ECONOMIC STABILITY BASED ON COMMUNITY CULTURE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 5(1), 47–60. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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