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This article was presentation about history of "Pran Boon" teacher manohra, science and arts of southern mantra. Phran Boon is both doctor and teacher, as well as the parents of those who respect Nora's blood family. Help eliminate suffering and protect the danger for children Nora. Whenever Nora music is heard, it results in a spiritual influence, combined with the religious principles that are incorporated into the poem. Causing the influence of moral, net worth, object, and morality to the audience as a living thought. “Pran Boon” is a teacher of. manora has the science and art of mantra. Because believe that the science of manohra or the science of the principal teacher of Pran Boon is a teacher of mantra who uses spells to heal diseases. And art of dance performances. Said the poem sparked fun, entertaining and excised to commemorate the purpose of doing good, as well as the spell used in worship to summon wealth, reinforced mercy. Add charm to the eye to the beholder. And escape from danger He believed that Phran Boon would take care and protect the children of respect and faith, therefore all faculties of nora theater owner believed and embraced the principles to act and act in the principles of religion in the 5 precepts. By hold self to be respected and a religious ritual. The children of Nora have beliefs in relation to kinship and values, recognize the value consciousness, love, friendship and the inheritance of ancestors that have been passed down.
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