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Raveewan Wongdechanun
Booncherd Chumnisart
Somsak Boonpoo
Phrasuriya Soriyo (Kongkawai)
Sakda Hanthet


The quality organization development that means the decision power should not depend on anyone but it should depend on the consensus of people in the organization and people are involved to decision making or participate to suggest an opinion. It indicated that a democratic organization because, if any organization has low quality leader, the management will poor quality too. However, the fundamental qualities of a good leader are broader vision, good organization management ability, human resource development ability, the leadership and oversight to control the quality of operations that including with solving problems within the organization as well. Moreover, the successful management requires four essential resources such as human, money, material and management. Human are the most important resource because they are the users of other administrative factors. For developing quality people is very important that all organization must focus on. Finally, human resource management is the key of organizational management, it is an important factor that leads for according to objectives successful. The human resource management is development of people ability, skills to work, to achieve the most efficient work. The important feature that many organizations are trying to train is consciousness or public mind mean sense of awareness problems occurring in the organization as well as in society and contribute by recognize rights along with duties and responsibilities that can be divided into 3 types: 1) self-consciousness 2) other people's consciousness 3) social consciousness.

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How to Cite
Wongdechanun, R. ., Chumnisart, B., Boonpoo, S. ., Soriyo (Kongkawai) , . P., & Hanthet, S. (2021). PRINCIPLES OF PARTICIPATION IN ADMINISTRATION TO PROMOTE PUBLIC MIND FOR ORGANIZATION PERSONNEL. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 5(1), 17–32. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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